Once you're done reading the rules, feel free to check out our channel statistics.
The following are the rules and regulations for general conduct in the frog style unofficial fan chatroom, irc.darkmyst.org;
#mariowiki is tiny -earthfrog      -uniju
The official hot dog of #mariowiki has the following toppings: Carmelized Onions, Four Cheese, Colslaw, Relish, Mustard, Blue Cheese, Mayo, Butter, Bacon, Sawdust, BBQ Sauce, Chili, and an olive for garnish. Serve on a Sourdough bun with a side of Goldfish crackers, in a cottage. This is our national meal.

Having issues on the channel? You can contact one of our operators: Toadbert, necromorph, necromorph(sometimes uses the alias "groden"), or necromorph.

-7. It is perfectly acceptable to insult one another as long as adjectives are used.
-7.1. Insulting one's waifu is punishable by a kick, or if the issue persists a ban.
-7.1.1. This definetly includes fire jokes.
-7.2. You may not tell people to go fuck themselves and then go die in a hole.
-2. All good citizens of the channel must purchase for the operators larger quanitities of goldfish crackers.
-2.1. Preffered flavours are Cheddar, Pizza, and Ritz Bitz Sandwiches.
-1. All mathematical equations are to be presented in reverse polish notation.
0. Frogs are the best animal there is and anyone who thinks otherwise will be kicked, or if the issue persists banned.
0.2 Cuttlefish are also a good choice.
1. The phrase "Oh, sou nan dess karr?" is punishable by kick, or if the issue persists, ban.
2. The following things go in our ever lovely sister channel #paperchat, rather than our channel:
2.1. Homestuck: There is to be absolutely no reading, watching, playing, eating, or masturbating to Homestuck during meetings.
2.2. My Little Pony: No ponies, bronies, or brownies. Actually, nevermind, you can have brownies if you want.
2.3. Madoka.
2.4. Nanoha
2.5. Bee Movie
3. Bots or any form of automation are not allowed on this channel unless they were programmed in Uniju's own programming language which he made and which totally is real.
3.1. Exceptions are made for certain holidays. The ops remember which ones and do not feel it neccesary to inform you on this page.
3.2. Every two months, Mip de Gaulle returns to bring fear and lulz into our hearts.
3.2.1 This is technically not true and has never happened.
4. No fucking with Uniju's amazing works of art.
5. Any and all channel funds will be redirected to help treat turb's multiple personality disorder.
6. No loafing.
6 again. Floods are to be protected against via kicks and bans. This includes singing and constantly changing your fucking name after we set +m.
7. We must take good care of our memes.
8. These rules are subject to change when you do something that I don't want you to do anymore.
9. All dangerous aliens must be eliminated immediately.
9. Embarrassing lines are prohibited.
9.1. Intra-team relationships are prohibited.
9.2. Don't eat your damn potato chips with chopsticks!
9.3. No lying about nachos.
10. Freeloadering is permitted but anyone caught engaging in such an activity will be made to sleep in the shed.
11. This is an English-only channel; that means no asian-style(right-side-up) emoticons! Only good old American sideways emoticons.
11.1. No farlandish irord in this room, you must speak anglish and nothing else.
11.2. vOv and ┐('~`;)┌ are okay.
12. Always herp before you derp.
30. There is to be no spamming, even if the ops are unable to percieve there as being as such via any of their sensory organs.
31. Every Teusday and Madderday you must play bootleg video games on a beige keyboard.
J. The Fresh Prince.
31.1. Model Ms and 80s mac keyboards preferred.
32. Mr. Freechmen is the designated giver awayer of hats.
33. Do NOT try to notify us of new features or updates in Minecraft, we already know EVERY TIME.
34. All chatters must watch new videos uploaded to YouTube by other us.
34.1. Except for Snack's.
35. See rule 2.2.
36. One person per person, please.
36.1. One bil per bil.
36.1.1. You may not have =>6 bils.
37. You are not to use salsa in an inapropriate fashion.
38. Every individual has the god-given right to eat raisins no matter the circumstances.
39. No talking about Nicholas Cage.
39.1. You can talk about Tom Hanks if you want under any conditions.
40. No "tit" puns. If you describe an image link as "bouncing tits" and it is a picture of birds you will be kicked on sight.
41. Pretty Cure is a great anime.
42. No shitty remixes of any sort, especially shitty remixes of originally good songs.
43. On Teusdays Uniju brings all the ops Burger King. Make sure to tell him what you want before he leaves.
44. You can wear casual dress on Mondays.
45. There is not, and will never rarely be, a Bingo Night on #mariowiki. Fuck Bingo.
45.1. The sole time there will be Bingo is when it is Snowman Bingo.
45.2. There will also never be a Dick Night. No exceptions.
46. The rules are slightly changed during E3.
46.1. No Scrooges.
46.2. Salsa is not to be opped during any of the conferences. ever cause she's a bitch.
47. Any and all uses of the name "Yamada" must be in reference to Yamada the super waitress.
47.1. The only exception is for Yamada the super whore, to whom references are allowed as long as they are clearly marked as such.
48. Snack isn't allowed to impersonate anyone.
49. Don't tell us to play fucking arena.
50. Ending a game of Apples to Apples with the !end command will result in an immediate and unrepealable permanent ban.
51. No Tumblr-talk.
52. Yes we do birthday parties but not for a certain Becky Travis(you know what you did).
53. No creepy roleplaying. Actually, no roleplaying at all. Especially you, Travis.
54. Shrek is banned.
55. Respect Pluto.
56. Don't use y where you should use ie.
57. Discussion of Pokémon goes on #pokemon, unless you want to post rule 34 of the Goth Loli Xmas Tree.
58. During games of Apples to Apples it is peacetime and some rule breaks will be forgiving in order for the game to keep going smoothly.
59. As per the Papers Please Treaty Of 2013, Uniju is not permitted to kick Turb without due cause or insinuate that Turb is to do The Run.
59.1. This deal does not extend to Marty.
60. No grave dancing, grave pissing, or challenge pissing(take it outside, please).
61. It's 2013 2015 and I feel that there is absolutely no need for such antiquated ideas as TB racism. From now on all TB racism will be punishable by bad things happening to you.
62. No time-traveling ever. Just because you can get Wisp to clean up the weeds does not make it okay.
63. Respect the wishes of other users not to watch Sailor Moon or Jojo's Bizzare Adventures.
64. No keyboard, no in.
65. Link has worked hard all of his lives to save Zelda and defeat the forces of Ganon(and other fuckers), please do not joke about Link. He doesn't need this shit.
66. If somebody pings you, don't ask "what?" and expect to be spoon-fed a summary of the last 50 lines of discussion.
67. One must always ask permission to say "coc(k)".
Story. No abusing Yoshi(s). Yoshi
6031769. No using cheat codes unless you're really, really stuck.